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Supreme Court Asked to Hear Two Cases That Could Sack Washington ‘Redskins’ Name

The federal government and attorneys for the Washington Redskins have asked the Supreme Court to review separate cases that could lead to revocation of the “Redskins” trademark as a racial slur, court documents showed Monday xboxlivecodegeneratorss.com.

The team’s parent company, Pro-Football Inc., said Monday that it has filed for a writ of certiorari asking the high court to review a U.S. District Court ruling in Alexandria, Virginia, which had ordered the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in July 2015 to cancel the team’s trademark on the ground that it’s offensive to American Indians.

The team has appealed that ruling to the 4th U.S. Court of Appeals, but in a court document filed Monday in Richmond, Virginia, the team’s attorney, Lisa Blatt, asked the Supreme Court to step in early and hear the case before a second, similar case can upset the apple cart.

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In that case, the Patent and Trademark Office last week similarly asked the high court to review a separate ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, which found in December that part of the same 1946 law used to challenge the “Redskins” trademark is unconstitutional — in essence approving allegedly offensive trademarks.

The federal circuit case involves an Oregon dance band called The Slants, a name that founder Simon Shao Tam said he picked to “reclaim” the word from its history of derision of Asians.

The Patent and Trademark Office rejected his application to trademark the name because it’s “immoral, deceptive or scandalous” — only to see the appeals court side with Tam, finding that that part of the 1946 Lanham Act, which regulates trademarks, violates the First Amendment’s protections of free speech.

IMAGE: The Slants
The Slants say their name isn’t derogatory, but a re-appropriation of a word that they use as a positive expression of pride. Sarah Giffrow
Pro-Football Inc. said it’s concerned that a quick decision in the Tam case could doom its arguments to protect the “Redskins” trademark, which it wants the court to uphold roblox robux hack tool online.

The dispute is deeply important to many Native American groups, who have sought for decades to revoke federal protection of the “Redskins” trademark and to force the team to change the name altogether.

But as a legal matter, it’s largely symbolic — nothing in federal law prevents Pro-Football Inc. from continuing to use the name “Redskins” or Tam from using the name “The Slants.”

What trademark protection does is shield the holder from loss of revenue and visibility by barring anyone else from using the same name in contexts that might be confusing www.clashofkingshackss.com/.

For example, team owner Dan Snyder will still be able to use the “Redskins” name regardless whether the Supreme Court decides against him. But if a second party were to begin selling unlicensed merchandise with the trademark, he couldn’t seek any remedy under federal law.

The cases are intertwined because at their hearts, they are about the same disputed section of the Lanham Act, John Crittenden, an adjunct professor at the UCLA School of Law, told NBC News last year.

“The Fourth Circuit will certainly look closely at what the Federal Circuit did in Tam,” Crittenden said. “The same constitutional arguments were made in both cases instagramfollowershacks.com.”

Snowden Advanced Encryption Technology ‘Seven Years’

Edward Snowden advanced encryption technologies by “about seven years,” National Intelligence Director James Clapper said Monday during a talk hosted by the Christian Science Monitor hay day hack cheats online.

Commercially available software has become so sophisticated so quickly, Clapper added, that it is a “major inhibitor” to the government’s ability to collect intelligence on terrorists, particularly the Islamic State.

“From our standpoint,” Clapper said, “it’s not a good thing.”

But in interviews with NBC News, digital rights and security experts were puzzled over how intelligence officials arrived at the seven-year figure.

Image: Intelligence Leaders Brief Senate On Worldwide Threats To U.S.
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Gabriella Demczuk / Getty Images, file www.starwarsgalaxyofheroeshacks.com
“He’s speculating on what would have happened if what happened didn’t happen,” said Amie Stepanovich, U.S. policy director of Access Now. “I’m not sure what metric he’s using.”

And Cindy Cohn, executive director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, said that instead of focusing on Snowden, the government should consider the obvious — that companies are deploying new technologies in response to consumer demand.

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In 2013, Cohn said, 3.1 million phones were stolen in the U.S. The year after that, data breaches led to the exposure of the personal information of half of all American adults. And so far this year, 13.1 million Americans have become victims of identity theft.

“Information is gathered and stored by lots of different entities and not kept secure,” she said. “We’re living in a world where people are feeling increasingly vulnerable.”

Encryption products allow people to protect themselves from those vulnerabilities, Stepanovich said, adding that outlawing such products in the U.S. would make as much as sense as banning the toilet, or some other potential barrier to law enforcement.

Edward Snowden http://www.hungrysharkevolutionhacks.com/
Edward Snowden NBC News
Most encryption products aren’t even made in the U.S. A recent worldwide survey by security expert Bruce Schneier found that of the 619 entities that sell those products — such as email, voice and text message encryption — two-thirds aren’t American.

Cohn added that the government hasn’t publicly identified a terror plot where those products derailed an investigation.

“When Clapper says that ISIS worries about their security, I don’t doubt that,” she said. “But we really don’t have any situation where, but for strong encryption, we could have stopped a terrorist attack.”

Instead of raising the specter of more sophisticated terrorism — and condemning Snowden — Clapper should have praised the former NSA contractor, Stepanovich said, noting that government has itself described cyber-security as among the most pressing issues facing the country.

Snowden would have happily accepted. On Twitter Monday, he reacted to Clapper’s comments, writing: “Of all the things I’ve been accused of, this is the one of which I’m most proud www.csrracinghackcheat.com.”

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